A MUST-WATCH Documentary: The Unknown Master of Restoration - The Wabi Sabi Shop

A MUST-WATCH Documentary: The Unknown Master of Restoration

A MUST-WATCH Documentary: The Unknown Master of Restoration

This morning, I watched a documentary produced by NHK Japan Broadcast Corporation. It tells the story of a master who claims to be able to restore any piece of pottery, no matter how broken it is. He’s called “God Hand.”

A MUST-WATCH Documentary: The Unknown Master of Restoration

“Mayuyama Koji is an art restorer who works with antique dealers and museums nationwide. His unique skills allow him to flawlessly restore broken works to their former conditions, earning him the nickname "God Hand." … This documentary reveals the details of his techniques, as well as his mission not just to restore art, but to preserve it for generations to come.”



I started watching it right after breakfast, while sipping my tea, and couldn't stop until the end. The history, skills, determination, and patience displayed by the masters (father and son) are all fascinating. It's a 50-minute show. I wholeheartedly recommend it! You can also watch it on NHK on Demand.


DIY Kintsugi Kit

If the masters in the documentary have inspired you, it may be time to try Kintsugi at home with the DIY kit!


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